Friday 27 November 2015

Living4Learning named a Barrier Free Workplace!

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Accessibility at Living4Learning 

We here at Living4Learning have an exciting announcement! We have officially been named a Barrier Free Workplace. What does this mean? Everything here at Living4Learning is easily accessible to everyone and our company is recognized as a diverse and inclusive organization. This affects not only our valued customers, but also our employees within the company. Our number one goal is to ensure customer service is easily accessible and that our employees are trained to make aspects within our company to be accessible.

Initiatives for our Employees in Terms of Diversity and Accessibility:
·         Staff training and awareness
·         Recruitment and hiring policies
·         Employee networks
·         Workplace discrimination and harassment policies
·         Diversity mentoring
·         Removing barriers for people with disabilities
·         Reviewing Ontario statutes for accessibility

These initiatives are excellent within our workplace. It allows Living4Learning to be more diverse, accessible and inclusive. This environment supports ALL employees in reaching their full potential. When employees are able to reach their full potential the company can grow as a whole and work efficiently towards tasks and reach goals.

Here are some new rules we have put into place in order to enhance the customer experience at L4L:
·         Provide accessible customer service- through training staff to serve customers of all abilities
·         Provide accessible emergency and public safety information
·         Provide staff with disabilities emergency information
·         Create accessibility policies- to create awareness
·         Consider accessibility when purchasing customer orientated services
·         Train staff on Ontario accessibility laws
·         Make it easy for people with disabilities to provide feedback when asked
·         Make public information accessible when asked
·         Make employment practices accessible
·         Make new or redeveloped public spaces accessible

These rules enable us to establish a diverse and accessible workplace that welcomes all customers. This is so important to us here at Living4Learning because our customers and our employees are our number one priority. A barrier free workplace reflects the core values of our company. This includes: individual progress, innovation, dedication and simulation. Specifically, in terms of innovation we wish to ensure “each and every learner experiences a fully customized learning plan tailored for their own specific needs and goods.” We strive to do this as a company in terms of accessibility and diversity. We want our employees and customers to feel like they are at home and comfortable, providing services that suit everyone’s needs. More information on accessibility and diversity can be found here at this website:
#accessibleworkplace  #diversityintheworkplace  #barrierfreeworkplace  #living4learning 

Happy Learning! 
Jessica Buck
Human Resources Intern Region 02 

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